Wednesday, October 7, 2009

still seaside in my mind

"i get by with a little help from my friends." -the beatles

just got back from a long weekend in Watercolor, Florida with my fav pilot and his beautiful wife- ed & micha- and one of my favorite sorority sisters- K.Kirby! i'll post pics (the pictures on this post are from my birthday in march, just wanted to put faces with names) and stories soon. it was one of the most adventure filled and rejuvenating trips ever. here's one a fun one for now...

scene--- riding beachcruiser bikes at midnight in watercolor.
we're driving over a bridge.
me (gazing out over the water): guys, isn't it beautiful here at night?
ed: do you see those people ahead?

me: gosh, it's just gorgeous

kait: ashley, do you see those people right THERE?

(i suddenly fly past a couple on the bridge, missing them by an inch or two)

me (yelling back at them): oops! so sorry! so very sorry

(my friends fall off their bikes dying of laughter)

kait: you almost took out those people! they were plastered to the railing.
ed: i think the girl considered jumping o
ff the bridge...and they thought they were going for a romantic stroll...
moral of the story: watch where you are going.

and don't drink bourbon while behind the handlebars of a beach cruiser bicycle.
or you could end up behind bars- in jail!

"The best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously." -the indigo girls

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